Phonophoresis Sarasota, FL


Phonophoresis is a therapeutic modality that our Sarasota, FL physical therapists use to relieve inflammation in affected muscles, tendons, ligaments, or arthritic joints. With this treatment, high-frequency sound waves are employed through ultrasound technology, as a way to administer medication or another healing chemical to the injured body part through the skin. If you’d like to learn more about phonophoresis and how it may benefit you, contact Excell Rehab Physical Therapy today at Sarasota, FL Center.

How does phonophoresis work?

Many people ask, “does phonophoresis hurt?” – The answer is NO! When your treatment is being conducted, your physical therapist will gently move the ultrasound wand over the affected area. It is likely that you will feel nothing at all, but in some cases, you may feel a slight warming sensation as the treatment is being applied.

The medications used in phonophoresis treatments are anti-inflammatories, aimed at relieving pain and reducing swelling. The sound waves from the ultrasound technology result in the medicine being transmitted through your skin for absorption, so it may reach the affected tissues underneath.

Some common medications used for phonophoresis treatments include:

  • Hydrocortisone
  • Dexamethasone
  • Salicylates
  • Lidocaine

Phonophoresis can also be used to treat a variety of conditions affecting the soft tissues. Some of the most common conditions that our Sarasota, FL physical therapists recommend this treatment for include:

  • Arthritis
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis
  • Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)

Schedule an appointment to learn more:

If you are interested in learning more about phonophoresis treatments and if it may be a beneficial treatment for you, contact our Sarasota, FL physical therapy office today! At Excell Rehab Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to providing each of our patients with the best treatment plans for their specific needs. If you are suffering from soft tissue damage or inflammation, schedule your appointment to begin finding relief and recovery! We provide therapy in the comfort of your home or in the clinic.